Golden Face

Post Procedure Care

Botox® / Dysport/ Xeomin Post Treatment Instructions

Day of Treatment

You may experience a mild amount of tenderness or a stinging sensation following injection.

Redness and swelling are normal. Some bruising may also be visible.

You may experience some tenderness at the treatment site(s) that can last for a few hours or a few days. You may have bruises in the areas treated. Immediately After Treatment

It is best to try to exercise your treated muscles for 1-2 hours after treatment (e.g. practice frowning, raising your eyebrows, and squinting). This helps to work the product® into your muscles.

Stay in a vertical position for four hours following injection. DO NOT “rest your head” or lie down; sit upright.

You may apply an ice or cold gel pack to the area(s) treated (avoiding pressure) as this helps reduce swelling and the potential for bruising.

Once you have adequately cooled/iced the area(s) as instructed and any pinpoint bleeding from the injection site(s) has subsided, you may begin wearing makeup.

AVOID placing excessive pressure on the treated area(s) for the first few days; when cleansing your face or applying makeup, be very gentle. AVOID exercise or strenuous activities for the remainder of the treatment day; you may resume other normal activities/routines immediately.

You may take Acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort.

AVOID extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Be sure to apply an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen.

Wait a minimum of 24 hours (or as directed by your provider) before receiving any skin care or laser treatments.

JUVIDERM / RESTYLINE / BELOTERO Post Treatment Instructions

Day of Treatment

To maximize your comfort during the procedure, a topical anesthetic may be applied. In some cases, a local numbing medication will be injected into or around the area(s) to be treated.

You may experience a mild amount of tenderness or a stinging sensation following injection.

To ensure a smooth and even correction, your provider may massage the area(s) treated, which may cause a temporary, minimal amount of redness to your skin. Immediately After Treatment ·

Redness and swelling are normal. Bruising may also be visible.

You may experience some tenderness at the treatment site(s) that can last for a few hours or a few days.

Depending upon the area(s) treated and product(s) used, you may feel “firmness” in the treated area(s) for 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. Over time, the area(s) will soften and “settle”.

Apply an ice or cold gel pack to the area(s) treated (avoiding pressure) as this helps reduce swelling and the potential for bruising.

Once you have adequately cooled/iced the area(s) as instructed and any pinpoint bleeding from the injection site(s) has subsided, you may begin wearing makeup.

Avoid placing excessive pressure on the treated area(s) for the first few hours and up to 2 to 3 days; when cleansing your face or applying makeup, be very gentle.

Avoid exercise or strenuous activities for the remainder of the treatment day; you may resume other normal activities/routines immediately.

You may take Acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort.

Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Be sure to apply an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen.

Wait a minimum of four weeks (or as directed by your provider) before receiving any skin care or laser treatments.

If you experience significant bruising following your treatment, we offer a complimentary Pulsed Dye Laser procedure at 2 to 3 days post treatment. This laser can help dissipate the bruise and clear it faster.

Untreated bruising will generally fade in 5 to 14 days.

Microdermanrasion PRP Post Procedure Instructions

Immediately After Treatment:

It is normal for skin to appear red and inflamed. Light scabs may form in the treated area and remain for 24 to 48 hours.

Discontinue use of all topical products for 72 hours following treatment.

Use a gentle moisturizer as needed (i.e., Avene® Ciclafate Post Procedure Skin Recovery Lotion).

Cleanse skin with a mild cleanser (i.e., CeraVe® Foaming Facial Cleanser).

Do not use heavy makeup for the first day.

Avoid excessive sun exposure, including tanning booths, and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily of SPF 30 or higher

Mesotherapy Post Treatment Instructions

Post-Treatment Instructions

Immediately following the procedure, cold pack or ice should be applied to the area and may be applied as needed for redness or swelling for the first 48 hours

We would like you to stay in office for ½ hour post treatment to monitor for allergic reaction.

Hives are not uncommon and usually subside. Claritin or antihistamine of choice can be used to reduce.

You are encouraged to maintain normal activities and resume your exercise program the next day.

You should follow a low carbohydrate, high protein diet for 72 hours post treatment. Best results are obtained with high protein diet shakes five times a day and one low carbohydrate meal of vegetables such as a salad with dressing, steamed veggies and meat/fish/chicken which had been baked or broiled (no potato or bread or pasta).

Also drink 8 ten ounce servings of water. This will optimize your results.

Thread Lift Post Treatment Instructions

What should/shouldn’t you do following treatment?

Most people will have no problem resuming normal activities immediately after treatment. If all instructions are followed the process will be comfortable, fast and provide an effective recovery time General aftercare advice:

Some pain/discomfort after treatment can be expected, Acetaminophen 325-500 mg 2 x day as needed can be taken if required. It is advisable to avoid anti-inflammatories (such as Ibuprofen) as they can suppress new collagen formation

With some procedures we will supply you with an oral antibiotic Azithromycin 500mg to take for 2 days starting on the day of the procedure, to reduce the risk of infection

Do not have any other aesthetic procedures (such as toxins, fillers, peels etc.) for 7 days

Avoid extreme temperatures, alcohol and anti-coagulants for 7 days. Those taking prescribed anticoagulants such as aspirin/warfarin must continue to do so but must be aware that bruising is more likely

Gently wash the treated area as required, but do not rub or massage for 2 weeks

It is important not to overstretch the treated area (i.e. open the mouth wide) for 4 weeks (avoid dental treatment during this time if possible)

Do not have Radio-frequency, IPL, Laser or other heat treatments near the treated area for 10 weeks